Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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253 lines
;$VER: QCInstall v1.01
;By Bo Lincoln 1993-94
;This script uses the installer program to install Quadra Composer to
;your hard drive.
(complete 0)
;Check kickver
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort ("You must have kickstart 2.0x + to use this installation "
"utility, and to run QuadraComposer 2.1")
("\nThis program lets you install Quadra Composer to your hard ")
("disk drive. If you don't own one, abort installation immediately. ")
(set sdir (pathonly @icon))
;Get dir for drawer
(set tdir (askdir (prompt ("Where do you want to install Quadra Composer 2.1?"))
(help ("Select a drawer where you want to install the ")
("Quadra Composer 2.1.\n")
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest tdir)
(set ans (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want to make a new drawer called QuadraComposer?")
(help "")
(= 1 ans)
(makedir (tackon tdir "QuadraComposer") (infos))
(set tdir (tackon tdir "QuadraComposer"))
(working ("Copying Quadra Composer"))
;Copy main program
(source (tackon sdir "QuadraComposer"))
(dest tdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 40)
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Icons"))
(if ( askbool
(prompt "\nDo you wish to install the icon images?")
(help "")
(makedir (tackon tdir "Icons") (infos))
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Icons") (noreq))
(source (tackon sdir "Icons/"))
(dest (tackon tdir "Icons/"))
(complete 45)
(if (OR (exists (tackon sdir "Samples") (noreq)) (exists (tackon sdir "Modules") (noreq)) (exists (tackon sdir "Envelopes") (noreq)))
(if ( askbool
(prompt "\nDo you wish to install some example modules, samples and envelopes?")
(help "")
(makedir (tackon tdir "Samples") (infos))
(makedir (tackon tdir "Modules") (infos))
(makedir (tackon tdir "Envelopes") (infos))
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Samples") (noreq))
(source (tackon sdir "Samples/"))
(dest (tackon tdir "Samples/"))
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Modules") (noreq))
(source (tackon sdir "Modules/"))
(dest (tackon tdir "Modules/"))
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Envelopes") (noreq))
(source (tackon sdir "Envelopes/"))
(dest (tackon tdir "Envelopes/"))
(complete 50)
(if (exists (tackon sdir "Docs") (noreq))
(set ans (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you wish to install the documentation?")
(help "")
(= 1 ans)
(makedir (tackon tdir "Docs") (infos))
(source (tackon sdir "Docs/"))
(dest (tackon tdir "Docs/"))
(complete 70)
"\nAnd now the fonts, QC 6 & 8, will be copied..."
(source (tackon sdir "fonts"))
(dest "FONTS:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 75)
"\nSome replayroutines are included in this package."
" They will now be installed..."
(prompt "Select files to copy:")
(source sdir)
(dest tdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 80)
(if (exists "s:QuadraComposer.prefs")
(if (askbool (prompt "\nIn this version of QuadraComposer, the prefs file will "
"be stored in the ENVARC: drawer, instead of S:.\nDo you want to move "
"your current prefs file there?"
(help "")
(source "s:QuadraComposer.prefs")
(dest "ENVARC:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(delete "s:QuadraComposer.prefs")
(complete 85)
(if (exists (tackon sdir "QuadraPlayer"))
(if ( askbool
(prompt "\nThere is a stand-alone module player distributed with QuadraComposer."
"\nDo you wish to install it?"
(help "")
(source (tackon sdir "QuadraPlayer"))
(dest tdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(if (exists (tackon sdir "QuadraComposer.key"))
(message "\nYou are a registered user of QuadraComposer.\n"
"From this version of QuadraComposer, you will be recognized through the file "
"ENVARC:QuadraComposer.key. If you want to copy this disk to someone else, "
"make sure that file is removed from the disk first."
(source (tackon sdir "QuadraComposer.key"))
(dest "ENVARC:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 95)
"\nThis is the last part of this installation. 'reqtools.library' will "
"be copied to your libs: drawer, if you don't "
"already have a later version installed."
(prompt "Copying reqtools...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source (tackon sdir "libs/reqtools.library"))
(dest "libs:")
(complete 100)
(exit ("Have fun!"))